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dyeing easter eggs

8 Apr

thanks to kiki’s delivery service i’ve got a few moments to show off our easter eggs.  if you’ve never seen any of the films directed by hayao miyazaki you should. so, this was the second year i’ve made my own dyes and this year they worked better than last. it’s a lot more trouble than the traditional way but i’ve got a hypersensitive five year old. this is kind of a leave it and forget sorta way to color eggs. i boiled the coloring agent in water until it was reduced by about half then set it aside to cool. after all desired colors were made, i boiled the eggs. once everything was room temp i added a tsp or two of vinegar to the colors, then we dropped in the eggs and waited. leave them in for 30 minutes or more depending on how dark you want them to be. last year i left some in the fridge overnight. the kids had fun running back in to check the eggs. next year i’m aiming for a good green and pink.


27 Aug

DSCN0015wednesdays lunch consisted of quesadillas (2) on corn tortillas, an apple, some chips and salsa, and a larabar. i think this was his favorite lunch so far. he told me that one boy in his class said to him “you always bring healthy food.” too funny.  today i packed him tea eggs, a pear, a cheese stick, a carrot, and some peanut butter cookies. he said the cookies got smooshed. they weren’t that great to begin with.

DSCN0036the tea eggs looked prettier this time although i still thought they didn’t taste any different than a regular boiled egg. i am searching the internet for a better recipe. this time i added star anise, peppercorn, cinnamon, fennel and clove to the water.

tea eggs

18 Aug


kindergarten starts in less than a week and i’m freaking out. not that i haven’t registered eli yet, but that i have to provide him with 5 gluten free packed lunches a week. gulp. giving him a variety is a big concern so today i made tea eggs for the first time. i thought they were okay. the kids loved them. so here’s how i made them.

Tea Eggs

8 eggs

3 bags black tea

1/4 cup black soy sauce (can use any kind just make sure it’s gf)

1 TBS sea salt

place eggs in pan cover with water approx. 2in. above eggs. bring to boil, cover, turn off burner. let sit 15 mins. add tea bags, soy sauce and salt. turn burner to med-low and let cook for 1 1/2 hrs. turn off burner and let sit longer if desired.